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New client: AC BALUO

Application Center Baluo, a project of the Palackého University in Olomouc in the Czech Republic, is one of the most advanced diagnostic and performance centers in the Central Europe. The center boasts a wide …
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TMG at the AEMEF congress

Dr. Daniel Medina, the first team’s physician of FC Barcelona, presented ‪tensiomyography‬ as a part of the strategy for the management of a muscle injury at the Asociacion Española de Medicos de Equipos de Futbol ….
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New article on the impact of hydration on muscle contraction properties 
Manuel García has recently published an …
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New client: FC Al Shabab Al Arabi Club 
FC Al Shabab from Dubai implemented tensiomyography into their training routine …
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Education: Dr. David Rodriguez  &  Novaelite

Dr. David Rodriguez, an assistant professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran…
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