Recently published article in International journal of sports physiology and performance investigates the effects of an uphill-marathon on running mechanics and neuromuscular fatigue in lower limb muscles.The research focused on the determination of maximal mechanical power of lower limbs (MMP), temporal tensiomyography (TMG) parameters and muscle belly displacement (Dm) in the vastus lateralis muscle before and after the competition in eighteen runners. The research revealed that TMG temporal-parameters decreased in all runners (-27.35±18.0%,p<0.001), while Dm increased (+24.0±35.0%,p:0.005), showing lower muscle stiffness and higher muscle sensibility to the electrical stimulus. The article concludes that greater MMP was related with smaller changes in running biomechanics induced by fatigue. Thus, lower limb power training could improve running performance in uphill-marathons. You can read more here.

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