Our senior consultant Sergej has returned from the USA where he installed TMG 100 Sytem at the elite Athletes Performance Centre in Phoenix and made user training.

Athletes’ Performance is an American company that provides integrated performance services for the top athletes in the world. It has private training facilities in Phoenix, Arizona and Frisco, Texas, California; and at the Andrews Institute in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

TMG 100 Sytem will be used to customize training and rehabilitation programs, detect onset of local muscle fatigue as well as Lateral and Functional weaknesses, prevent injury or re-injury and therefore improve performance.

In the last year alone, Athletes’ Performance has trained 8 NFL first-round picks, 9 NBA first-round picks, World Cup heroes (US Women’s Soccer and German Men’s Soccer), and hosts of All-Stars across every major sport. Four members of the Boston Red Sox have spent part of their off season time at Athletes’ Performance. You can find more about Athletes’ Performance on their website.

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