ISOT Meeting 2019

July 4 @ 17:0019:00

17:00 – 17:05
Opening Welcome: Srđan Đorđevič – president of ISOT
17:05 – 18:00
Introducing journal ASMFA (Advances in Skeletal Muscle Function Assessment)
Scope of the journal: Editor-in-Chief Dr Swarup Mukherjee
Disciplines of ASMFA (Associate Editors):
Prof Alexander Ferrauti, Associate Prof Boštjan Šimunič, Associate Prof Milivoj Dopsaj
Introduction of ASMFA sections:
Training and Performance: Prof Naoya Tsunoda
Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabiliation: Prof Rusu Ligia
Occupational Medicine and Work Ergonomics: Prof David Rodriguez-Ruiz
Clinical and Physiological Research: Asst Prof Karen Hind
Technological Advancements in Skeletal Muscle Function Diagnostics: Associate Prof Boštjan Šimunič
Development Physiology: Prof. Rado Pišot
18:00 – 18:30
Open discussion about the future of ASMFA journal
18:30 – 18:55
Presentation of the project: Boštjan Šimunič: Tensiomyography detects early hallmarks of bed-restinduced
atrophy before changes in muscle architecture
18:55 -19:00
Closing remarks: Jure Jemec – Secretary of the treasury

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